понедельник, 18 апреля 2016 г.

10 Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor Is Ignoring

10 Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor Is Ignoring

10 Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor Is Ignoring

10 Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor Is Ignoring Author: Dr. Amy Myers Amy Myers MD ©2010-2016 All Rights Reserved. This article has been reproduced with permission from Dr. Myers. Unauthorized use or reproduction of this article is strictly prohibited. Connect with Dr. Amy Myers: It's estimated that fibromyalgia affects approximately 10 million people in the United States. Fibromyalgia is classically characterized by chronic pain, particularly muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, brain fog or cognitive impairment, depression and painful tender points throughout the body. Conventional medicine has yet to uncover the cause of fibromyalgia and only offers management of symptoms through pain medications and antidepressants. Functional medicine, on the other hand, looks to find the root cause of fibromyalgia and other chronic diseases, treating the problem at the root level to restore the patient to health. As a functional medicine physician, I've helped many patients recover from fibromyalgia. Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor May Not Know About 1. Gluten intolerance Gluten has been liked to more than 55 diseases and is often called the "big masquerader." The reason for this is that the majority of gluten intolerance symptoms are not digestive in nature, but are instead neurological, such as pain, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbances, behavioral issues, fatigue and depression. 2. Candida overgrowth Candida is a fungus, or yeast, and a very small amount of it lives in your intestines. When overproduced, Candida breaks down the wall of the intestines and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body and causing a host of unpleasant symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, digestive issues and pain. Virtually every one of my patients with fibromyalgia has had Candida overgrowth. 3. Thyroid It's vital that your doctor check all six blood markers to accurately measure your thyroid gland’s function. It’s also imperative that your doctor use the optimal levels rather than the standard reference range when assessing and diagnosing thyroid disorders. Getting my patient’s thyroid levels into an optimal range typically alleviates their fatigue, brain fog, sleep disturbances and depression. 4. Vitamin deficiencies Magnesium, vitamin D and B12 deficiency are the most common vitamin deficiencies I see in those who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I've had several patients completely reverse their fibromyalgia symptoms with magnesium alone. The best way to measure magnesium is a red blood cell (RBC) magnesium level, which can be tested through any conventional lab. 5. Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Leaky gut There are more bacteria in us and on us then there are of our own cells. When these bacteria get out of balance through use of antibiotics or a sugar-rich diet, we can lose our ability to digest and absorb nutrients, particularly B12. Gluten can cause SIBO and leaky gut and SIBO and leaky gut can lead gluten and other food intolerances. It’s a catch-22 and a vicious cycle. You must "fix the gut" first in anyone with fibromyalgia. 6. Mycotoxins Mycotoxins are very toxic substances produced by molds. Conventional environmental mold testing only tests for levels of mold spores and does not test for mycotoxins. I use a urine mycotoxin test in my clinic to determine if someone has been exposed to toxic molds. Everyone knows green smoothies are healthy, right? However… Have you heard of a “red” smoothie? If not, check out this true story… ---> “Red” Smoothie Helps Alabama Girl Shed 80lbs! 7. Mercury toxicity I recommend that all my patients find a biological dentist and have their mercury amalgam fillings removed. Mercury is toxic to our bodies and can be one piece of the puzzle for those with fibromyalgia. I then recommend heavy metal testing using a pre- and post-DMPS urine challenge test. 8. Adrenal fatigue Adrenal fatigue is a result of the chronic stress. Chronic pain is a stress to the adrenal glands, though it's typically not the initial adrenal stressor. The initial stressor is usually something such as food intolerances, Candida, mercury toxicity, vitamin deficiencies or mycotoxins. My goal is to support the adrenals with adaptogenic herbs while we search for the root cause of the stress and correct it. 9. MTHFR mutations This is a genetic test you can get though any conventional lab. The more mutations you have to the MTHFR gene the less able you are to methylate and detoxify toxins, such as mercury and lead. The more mutations you have at this gene the higher your requirements for methyl-B6, methyl-B12 and folinic acid in order to keep your detoxification pathways working properly. 10. Glutathione deficiency Glutathione is the most critical part of our body’s detoxification system. Glutathione gets recycled in our body — unless our toxic burden gets too high, or we lack GSTM1 and GSTP1, the enzymes needed to recycle and produce glutathione. Taking glutathione or the precursors (NAC, alpha lipoic acid, milk thistle) often help dramatically with fatigue. As you can see from the above list, many of these causes are interrelated, and often there's no single root cause of fibromyalgia. Because getting to the root can be complex, I recommend that you find a functional medicine physician in your area to help uncover the root cause for you. You don't need to suffer needlessly or mask your symptoms with pain medications and antidepressants. There are doctors like myself who can help you! VIDEO: Heal Your Gut Dr. Myers shares her functional medicine approach to healing your gut. It's called the 4R program: Remove, Restore, Reinoculate and Repair. If you suffer from a chronic illness such as chronic fatigue, autoimmune, cancer, fibromyalgia or a more simple issues such as acne, IBS, migraines, ADD, anxiety or depression -- this is a must watch video. Editors note: Click here to Find a Local Farmer A quick note from our founder- Over the past year, my friend Dave at PaleoHacks has been working on a secret cookbook with world-renowned Le Cordon Bleu chef Peter Servold. Well, today this new this new incredible Paleo Cookbook is finally available to be shipped right to your door for FREE That's right -- as a special launch promotion, we're offering our brand new Paleo fat loss cookbook to you for free (Chef Pete lost 60 lbs using these recipes!) -- All you have to do is just cover a small shipping cost (international shipping is a bit more). 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Don’t fall for the lie that you have to deprive yourself to lose weight. Secret #2: stop eating out. You will automatically eat less without even noticing. Then start detoxing your body with tasty, nourishing smoothies that are just as easy on your wallet as they are easy to make. Because a single day of enjoying Liz’ smoothies demonstrated the radical power of her superfood-packed red smoothies to make me feel incredibly good. Now prepare yourself for one of the biggest weight loss secrets there is. A secret that, when you use it properly, can transform your body and your health. You probably know most of us eat too much processed food. What you may not know is that it’s full of toxic chemicals and substandard, dirt-cheap ingredients designed to make you eat more…and force you to gain weight. Here’s how it works... “That stuff is just a lot of calories your body can’t use,” Liz told me, “Some are poison. And all these foods are stripped of the anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories that help your body detox. The result? Your body expends huge amounts of calories to eliminate some toxins—the rest, it stores in your fat to protect you. This is why most people are hungry all the time. They’re not getting energy they need.” “So… what’s going on with me? Why am I losing weight but not going hungry?” Liz paused, then dropped the bombshell. Your body is designed to burn fat. You just have to let it. “What? I thought we were designed to store fat?!?” We were Skyping and I was practically shouting. Then I heard Liz say… What good is a fat reserve if you can’t burn it? Mind blown... Liz continued: “You’re drinking smoothies packed with phytonutrients, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories that pull toxins out of you like a tractor beam. Allowing your body to burn those toxin-filled fat stores… and releasing tremendous amounts of stored energy.” So that’s why I’m losing weight without going hungry. Watch Liz’ free presentation. It’s packed with revolutionary weight loss information—information that works. Because it’s based on how nature works. Click the button below only if you want to wear smaller clothes, breathe easier, move more freely and just plain feel better. Because when you click here to watch Liz’ life-changing presentation, you’ll learn Which calories help you lose weight…and which ones help you gain it… The “diet” foods…some of them vegetables…that lead to weight gain and diabetes… The “low-fat” foods that can dramatically increase your risk of cancer. And the superfoods that rescue your body from this assault by detoxing you… Revitalizing your metabolism so you can Shed pounds as well as toxins, renew your body and reset your internal clock by up to 7 years. For next the week only, Liz is offering the Red Smoothie Detox Factor at 50% off. Because until now, the Red Smoothie Detox Factor has been available only to Liz’ private clients. But now that she’s perfected it to work for almost everyone, almost every time, Liz is sharing it with rest of us so we can feel better and look better. So if you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, do yourself a favor. Get Red Smoothie Detox Factor before the price goes back up. Because Liz offers a ridiculously good guarantee. You have 60 days to decide you love the Red Smoothie Detox Factor. If you don’t love it—for any reason, or even no reason at all —Liz will refund your money. 100%. No questions asked. So go watch her presentation and get the Red Smoothie Detox Factor. ---> Learn more: Red Smoothie Detox Natural Diabetes Treatment Works Better Than Prescription Drugs *PROOF* By Richard Neal Category: HEALTH Tags: HEALING | REMEDIES | PREVENTION According the latest statistics, diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes in the United States is reaching epidemic levels: Total: 29.1 million people or 9.3% of the population have diabetes. Diagnosed: 21.0 million people. Undiagnosed: 8.1 million people (27.8% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed). Source: CDC Website Drugs Treat Symptoms, Not Disease Pharmaceutical companies have been trying to shut these doctors down simply for revealing the truth about diabetes. Scientific studies have proven that type 2 diabetes can be reversed naturally - but this information has been hidden and suppressed for decades. Diabetics can normalize blood sugar, and be taken off all medication and insulin injections completely naturally. Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine are revealing the truth about diabetes in a shocking new online presentation. In 3 Weeks, 71% Type 2 Diabetics Were Taken off ALL Medication 96% of patients were able to stop all insulin injections and 81% achieved complete relief of painful neuropathy. Groundbreaking research published by the University of Kentucky, University of California and Newscastle University prove that type 2 diabetes CAN be reversed. Blood sugar normalizes... neuropathy pain goes away... Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine have perfected these techniques and helped tens of thousands of their patients end the need for medication and insulin injections 100% naturally. You don't have to suffer anymore, Learn the truth about your diabetes and stop this disease dead in its tracks right now. Groundbreaking New Research Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine are revealing the truth about diabetes that has been suppressed for over 21 years. Last year they helped over 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring. This year they're on track to help over 30,000. In just a few weeks, 96% of their patients are able to stop ALL diabetes medication and insulin injections. No more neuropathy pain, pricking your finger, or the need for expensive medication. Learn about this groundbreaking new research here: ---> Learn more about this Natural Diabetes Treatment #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat By J. Davis III Category: HEALTH Tags: HEALING | PREVENTION I bet you can’t guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat. This “hidden survival muscle” in your body will boost your energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance when unlocked. If this “hidden” most powerful primal muscle is healthy, we are healthy. Is it: a) Abs b) Chest c) Glutes d) Hip Flexors Take the quiz above and see if you got the correct answer! P.S. Make sure you check out the next page to get to know the 10 simple moves that will bring vitality back into your life! ==> Click here to discover which “hidden survival muscle” will help you boost your energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance permanently! --> Find out the “hidden” most power survival muscle here… More Health Resources: "Red" Smoothie Helps Alabama Girl Shed 80lbs! Thе Fastest Wау Tо Lose Weight In 4 Weeks #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat Your Birth Date + Name - Free Report The "Instant Switch" Law Of Attraction The 3 reasons you should NEVER eat wheat -- Yes, even "whole wheat" [PROOF] Reverse Diabetes with a “Pancreas Jumpstart” Why Some People LOOK Fat that Aren't Diabetes Destroyer System His wife REFUSED to let them amputate his legs! Unlock Your Hip Flexors Doctors Reversed Diabetes in Three Weeks", "name": "10 Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor Is Ignoring", "authors": []}, "link": {"locale": "en_GB", "title": "10 Causes Of Fibromyalgia Your Doctor Is Ignoring", "site_name": "eatLocalGrown", "description": "Conventional medicine has yet to uncover the cause of #fibromyalgia. Traditional MDs only offers management of symptoms through pain medications and antidepressants.

Original article and pictures take http://eatlocalgrown.com/article/11715-fibromyalgia-causes.html site

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